Alphonse Fact Sheet

Jul 05, 2006 00:12

1) Al remembers his past, but it's patchy in spots. His memory is coming back in reverse; the more recent events were the first to return, triggered in fact by remembering Envy killing his brother. The older the memory, the less likely he is to remember it. He recalls most of the stuff that happened in the last two years before the battle with Dante, up to the incident in Liore with Cornello. But even that's patchy at best. He doesn't really recall Nina and Tucker except for a few vague impressions, or the train incident, or Ed's automail surgery.

2) Out of everyone in Amestris, only Winry has any idea that Al's memory's returning, and even then, he's never let on as to what he remembers.

3) Al has no idea if Ed's alive or not, or what happened to him once the Gate took him. He cannot feel his brother any longer.

4) Al wears his hair in a ponytail instead of a braid because he cannot shake the feeling that a braid is wrong now, that it's not how his brother wears his hair. He can't explain that feeling, even to himself. It just is, and he's clinging to that feeling like a talisman against people who try to tell him that his brother's dead and not coming back.

5) He sleepwalks now, and has since his memory started returning. He can't stop searching for his brother, not even long enough to rest at night.

6) Al dresses like Ed not as much to imitate him and make people think he's Ed as to keep his brother near him in some way, shape, or form. As Ed had inscribed the date they burnt their house down into his watch, Al dresses in his brother's style to keep focused on his goal to find him again.

7) Once upon a time, Al liked the notion of settling down with a nice girl, like maybe Winry, and having a family. That's faded; what he wants to the exclusion of anything else is to find Ed again, and never be separated from him after that.

8) Al is still decidedly straight, with a teenage boy's hormones. It annoys him that his body looks like he's thirteen or fourteen, when emotionally and mentally he's seventeen. A very messed up seventeen, but seventeen nevertheless.

9) Al's temper, slower to burn than his brother's but with a bigger explosion, has become more and more hair-trigger as time passes. He can be cheerful and smiling in one minute, and dangerous in the next.

10) On the surface in immediate comparison, Al might seem to be coping with the separation from Ed better than his brother is, but in actuality, he's starting to crack as well, becoming more ruthless.

11) Al wears a metal bracer on his right forearm under his clothes, and can transmutate it into a blade similar to Ed's.

12) He spent what would have been Edward's eighteenth birthday in the city beneath Central, in the opera house, by the spot where Envy killed him, watching where the Gate had been.

13) He's aware that Winry's missing, and so is Sheska, and no one knows where Lieutenant Hawkeye is, and he can't find the Tringham brothers. There's too many people who can't be found, and that's unsettling him. Al's taking his inability to track down Winry the hardest though.

...more to come...

ic nongame

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