Nov 28, 2004 02:29
okay so.. why cant i sleep?
because i just watched footloose, and then listened to both my prozzak cds and danced around my room like a COMPLETE (i repeat C-O-M-P-L-E-T-E) idiot; and then i went on my ancient laptop (literally from the dinasour ages.) and read all this stuff. & now here I am. PARTY!
Anyways - I dont want to go to work tomarrow. Poo poo poo and triple bum!
okay. Antons done writting in his lj. So im off to read it. Cuz actually the only reason im writting in this write now is because my drunken friend Mike jsut left, and Anton was busy writting in his LJ, so you know, peer pressure and all, I decided to write in mine :)
goodnite and merry xmas :)
(in like.. a month.)
<3 fade out