
Oct 09, 2006 17:15

Ok so, you have 5 people in a lifeboat. There's a female stay at home mother, a male lawyer, a female doctor, a garbage man, and a crippled child. The lifeboat is too heavy and someone has to leave the lifeboat in order for the others to succeed. Who would you pick? (personally, i said the crippled child...) most people dont think too in depth about hte problem and just pick someone for a stupid reason that has to leave. But what about everyone being on the lifeboat? is that not an option?

Pretend you are in the lifeboat. Dont you think you would try your best to make an argument to keep yourself alive on the boat? And how would you do that? I would by

So Jesus s a friend of sinners, thats how we think of Him. But what about from the sinner's perspective? They all liked Jesus too! Friendship is a 2 way thing. Jesus liked the sinners just as equally as everyone else. The Pharisees didnt like that jesus liked the obvious sinners, but they thought they were superior because they were Pharisees, but really they are sinners too.

so the answer to the infamous question... why do non-christians have a thing against Christians?

Well this may be because a lot of Christians act like the Pharisees and act superior when in reality we are all sinners. We are supposed to seek to be like Jesus so we need to treat all as equals and since we are not superior like Jesus is, we need to do so by not looking down upon anyone. There is no lifeboat. I mean, we're all in this together How do Christians start to make a better name for ourselves???
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