Jun 02, 2006 09:39
So yesterday was Thursday and i got in at like 6am from Brads but i couldnt sleep so i kept my dad up for like ever. We ended up making breakfast b4 he went to work and that was sweet. Then he left so i went into my room to read (gotta read those psychology chapters we didnt go over in class... its interesting! lol). Then i got a call from Brad saying that he was coming over so i got reddie. Then i hopped online n chatted w/ Matt and he wanted to come over too to borrow a CD so i was like dannnng skippy. Brad came first and when he came he gave me a pink rose which wasa sooooo sweet, i was so surprised. He suggested we go to the pool so i said ok. Then Matt came to get the CD (i gave him one for me too so i could get a copy of that piece) and we all left.
Ummmm, then me n Brad went to Brads to eat first then went to Pool A. When i walked in i heard someone say "Sheeeeeena..." and i look only to see my hot girlfriend Casey Marshall and Sarah Raminhos. So we pooled with them for a bit. Matt came by too and dropped off my CD n chilled with us (but that fag didnt get in the water cuz he was waiting for Stan to have a break so he could go eat with him). But it was so funny cuz me n Matt were standing by the diving board and Matt was egging Brad on to do some crazy stuff off of it and he did... I, on the other hand kept it simple lol. O ya, Matt left, Case n Sarah layed out so me n Brad chilled in the pool and Jeff Wood and Cha-rules Crislip came so we talked to them for a bit. One thing about the pool... I kno, i kno were all adults... but do u ever still get a little down when the whistle blows b/c for an INSTANT u think u have to get out cuz its adult swim? BUt then u get happy again because u can stay in. Think of it this way: If u think for that instant that u have to get out, u do experience sadness, but the elatedness when u realize you can stay is the REAL reward.
Ok, then we went back to Brads and played croquet in the front yard. Wow i never realized how much i suck at every sport that involves inanimate objects. So basically i got destroyed. But it was a good fight ill tell ya. There was a storm coming so me n Brad sat outside to watch it (not when it was raining, just watching it conjour up, u kno). After the rain started we went to clean his room. Its so nice to see guys do productive things. Like cleaing or working hard on something like handy. Dont u think? Mayb thats a ME thing, i guess. Ne ways then we called up the rest of the pack, went to Taco Bell, n hung out. Ms Cameron is doing this like photo album thing of Ashley, Brad, and Emily's like whole life for Emilys graduation party and me n matt n stan got a kick outta lookin at old pix of brad. So small and cute. Have u ever noticed that boys look like tired when they are young? like their eyes are all squinty and just... i dunno lol.
But ya um, basically, yesterday was good times. I just woke up again. Got in at 6 again and its 10 now... mayb ill go running. Im reddie for today, my 2nd long day at work. Fun stuff. peeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeece.