AICN says there's a very good chance that the final Harry Potter film will be
split into two parts, like the final Matrix films. I'm of two minds on this. 1) There's a better chance they'll get more of the book into the two part movie if they shoot it this way, so that's cool. But, 2) I really don't like the two film approach in general. I'm a much bigger fan of the way the did the LotR, releasing a 3 hour-ish movie in the theaters then adding the other stuff for the DVD release.
Of course, I think the big reason to do it like this is the studio will make twice as much money. But lets forget about that for a second. My problem with the idea is that when you take a story and split it in two, it never really feels right. In fact, it only feels like part of a movie. I remember people suggesting they did this with other HP movies, starting with the Goblet of Fire and it always sounded like a bad idea. Really, where would you split the first half of Goblet of Fire and leave the audience feeling satisfied? After the first task? After the Winter Ball? It would feel as awkward as Ron Weasley in his dress robes. To be fair, Deathly Hallows is more action-packed than any of its predecessors. But if kids will read an 800 page book, I think they can probably sit through a ridiculously wrong movie.
(Actually, maybe I would've liked the last two Matrix movies if it had only been one movie. Hmmm. No, probably not.)
But forget about me. What do you think about the possibility of splitting up the movie? And where would you split it?