It's been around for while now, but I just started listening to the
A Different Point of View podiobook this morning. I suppose this is one of the joys of discovering the whole podcasting thing a little late. Everything we know about that galaxy far, far away is wrong. Listen to the Sandtrooper, he tells the truth.
All your favorite jedis are religious fundamentalists. Han Solo is a drug-runner. The Rebel Alliance is a bunch of terrorists. The stormtroopers on the Death Star don't have bad aim -- they wanted Luke, Han, and Leia to get off the Death Star so they could activate the homing beacon.
I almost busted my gut commuting to work this morning while listening to the first few episodes of this show (they're each only about 3-5 minutes in length). It's really that funny -- Clerks wondering about Death Star Contractors funny. And no, this is not a Jedi mind trick.