Reviews like this always make me smile:
"If SCREAM 4 is Wes Craven and Kevin Williamson's statement on the whole remake/reboot craze, I find it admirable that that statement is that remakes and reboots suck." I won't say I was actually going to see this in the theaters. I'm still kind of curious about it, because Scream was the first horror movie I remember paying to see in theaters. (In college! I know! Inconceivable!) I'll probably check it out at some point.
Then again, there's no telling when some point will be. I had the chance to watch Kick-Ass last night, but decided I'd rather read Kraken and a short story antho instead.
That said, if there was something like an American Gods TV show, I'd totally -
WHAT?!?! (Found the link through AICN, for the curious.)
And, yeah, okay. I'll make time for that.