Rachel Swirsky's Back at PodCastle - And Things Get Ugly!

Jul 27, 2010 10:40

People are always asking me - is it some kind of conspiracy? PodCastle ran gregvaneekhout's "Wolves Till the World Goes Down" and Drabblecast had an Apocalyptic Trifecta. All in the same week! And Pseudopod is still on hiatus! It can't be a coincidence, Scully! The end must be extremely fucking nigh!

This week, we at PodCastle had the privilege of running founding editor Rachel Swirsky's hideously awesome "Monstrous Embrace" for your listening pleasure. SCORE!  It's an epic tale of beauty, ugliness, and difficult choices, expertly narrated by the fantastic Elizabeth Green Musselman, and we're thirlled to be able to run it. Welcome back, Rachel!

But wait! There's more!  Escape Pod's most recent episode finds the Mighty Mur Lafferty reading Rachel's Hugo nominated "Eros, Philia, Agape"! They're both excellent stories, and I really dig how they showcase Rachel's talent and diversity.

Did we at Escape Artists plan out Rachel Swirsky week? Was it just a happy coincidence? Or maybe it was meant to be? YOU must decide!

rachel swirsky, free fiction, podcastle

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