"We're Trying to End Lost in a Way That Feels Lostian..."

Apr 29, 2010 15:43

One of my favorite things about LOST is trying to figure out WTF is going on. Good news (well, if you're like-minded)! Damon Lindelof says when the show ends, it will leave people theorizing for years. He also has some interesting things to say about criticism and art. Finally, he says that a large bit of the finale has been set for years. Interesting...

I remember waaaaaaaaaaaaaay back when The X-Files was still 4-5 years away from ending, I said to my friend Davis that the best way for the show to end would be to answer some questions and ask a bunch of more. That didn't happen with The X-Files (or, at least, not the way I'd hoped for it to happen), but I'm kind of thrilled at the possibility it might happen at LOST.

Then again, I may be like the only person in the world who thinks this...What do my fellow Losties think?


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