ZOMG YES! "Happily Ever After," you all everybody say? Maybe, maybe not, but one hell of an episode!
Faradaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay! (Erm, I mean, Daniel Widmore?)
Desmond episodes seem to be some of my favorites (witness “Flashes Before Your Eyes” and “The Constant”) and this one was no exception. It feels like the story in the sideways version of the LA universe is coming together. And I dig that Desmundo is the one who may make it all happen. I also really dig that Charlie was Desmond’s catalyst. Damn, it was good to see Charlie finally back on this show, and with a relatively meaty part. I liked seeing him so driven, so confident, which is something I’m not sure we’ve ever seen of his character before, with the possible exception of “Through the Looking Glass.”
It’s fascinating to me, though, that a lot of the people pushing Desmond to do whatever it is he’s supposed to do, are dead. It was great to see Faraday again, and to hear him say “I don’t want to set off a nuclear bomb,” yet part of the reason he was inspired to do that in the first place was to somehow save Charlotte. Which - if we buy that’s how the sideways world came into being - he achieved. Everyone’s alive - except some of the kids who haven’t yet been born. So if Faraday, or Charlie, and any of the others who seem to have better lives - or have the possibility to have better lives in this different timeline understand that, then what? Locke is alive and has Helen. Sawyer may get his coffee and happy ending with Juliet. Jack is able to connect with his son. Sure, Sayid has killed people - but I think it could be justified. Desmond did end up meeting Penny. So when the veil is lifted, then what? After this episode, it seems very unlikely it’s an epilogue. Is it an illusion? Is it worse? Whatever the case, I feel like this other storyline is finally starting to pay off. And I’m very eager to see where it’s all going.
WTF is up with Eloise? In this other world, she seems to have some kind of understanding of who Desmond is, what he’s supposed to do, and what he’s done…in the other reality. It was trippy - like the first time we met her in the ring shop essentially telling Desmond that if he didn’t push that button, the world will end. Which…is essentially now what Widmore is selling to both Desmond and Jin, right? She seems to have some kind of greater knowledge about everything that’s happening than anyone else right now, at least in LA. And to some degree, I can’t really blame her. In this existence, she didn’t kill her son. Key lines: ''Someone has clearly affected the way you see things. This is a serious problem. It is, in fact, a violation." Reminscient of "He changed the rules"/"You know the rules..." Regardless, Papa and Mama Widmore - one incredibly messed-up couple.
Speaking of: was Charles Widmore in this sideways world ever on the island? (I’m still wondering about Pierre Chang and Miles, too.) He doesn’t seem…as knowledgeable as Eloise. I didn’t catch this watching the episode, but apparently there was a painting on Widmore’s wall with a set of scales - white and black - perfectly balanced.
Interesting to note: in LA X Desmond is wearing a wedding band. In this episode, he's obviously Not Married. I'd write this off as a prop error, except George Minkowski made such a big dead about him not wearing a wedding band. So...what - if anything - does it mean?
Other things I loved in this episode: Desmond realizing what Widmore’s done at the beginning at then beating the hell out of him with his IV stand. (I half-expected him to do the same thing after his sideways sojourn, but at the same time, appreciated the contrast.) The way that the inside of the Jurassic Park-like electromagnetic conduit raptor cage also resembled Jacob’s Cabin with the chair. (Is this telling us anything? I have noooooooooo idea.) Not Penny’s Boat. Desmond’s visions of Penny and baby Charlie in the MRI machine. And, of course, Sayid shooting Widmore’s men. (Although, why didn’t he shoot Zoe? Ah, well. He’s not our Sayid, right now, I guess…)
All-in-all, a great, great episode - one of my favorites of the season along with Sundown. What’d you all think?