Supehero Hotel and the Future of Dave Shot First

Oct 30, 2008 09:56

This week in our epic fanboy adventure, Superspiff, the Toothpick, and Anne facedown the dreaded Cyber-Commandos!  With the help of the Special Limited Edition, they've been able to infiltrate their base (a hotel outside the ComicCon).  But what's become of Bob Smith?  What's with all the sidekicks?  Why are the Cyber-Commandos here?  More to the point, why are they so fat?

Actually, I think this is the best episode of the podcast yet.  Payoffs are made.  My most favorite sidekick ever appears, (albeit with a slightly different name).  And it's only going to get better. We're closing in on the endgame of this astounding podcast.  10 episodes down, only 2 to go.

Honestly, I'm a little bit sad it's so close to being finished.  A couple people have asked me what I'm planning on doing next.  To be honest, I'm not 100% sure.  The podcast will almost certainly continue in some form after The Sequel is born, but once Superspiff and the Toothpick Kid wraps up, I'll be taking a few months off (at least).  After that, I'll be coming back, most likely with the geek faith podcast.  And yes, I feel pretty confident in saying that there will definitely be more fiction coming your way.  It will probably be a very different tone than Superspiff and the Toothpick Kid -- something more geared for adults.  I think.  I have ideas, and some of it depends on what you want to hear from me.  But I want to build up Dave Shot First as something of a namebrand, and I hope you'll come along for the ride.

In the meantime, I've made some slight updates to the site, adding a Make Believe Soundtracks tab with playlists for both The Unbelievable Origin of Superspiff and the Toothpick Kid and Cyberpunk.  Also, I put up a picture of me in full superhero costume.  Kind of.  Consider it an early Halloween present, with me dressed up in my best Bruce Wayne disguise.

I'm really looking forward to getting the final two episodes out to you soon.  Thanks for listening!

the future, playlists, superspiff and the toothpick kid, podcasts, the sequel, dave shot first

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