Jun 18, 2006 23:39
Time 11:39 PM Sunday June 18th. Father's Day. I received a few cards and compliments over the last few days about this Holiday. It's the wierdest feeling. I feel like I am cheating for some reason. As I have to say "Not yet", and then like a Magician, pull a kid out of my wife's uterus. Ta da!!! (Insert Canned Applause Here).
Thank You Thank you. for My next trick , I'll put him back!!!
Kidding... Or Am I...
Got just under 6 months to go...It's gonna fly by. I'm tring to savor Everyday from now till then. Caus after that. It's Gonna at least 18yrs before it will be just me and the wife. I know we'll get a few days off in between. Even those days though, your still worried about them.
Gonna be a Dad...Whew..Who'd a thunk it.
Going to bed now..
End of Line......