Jul 04, 2005 23:22
This is kind of a response to something someone said on Jessie's Live8 post.. but I feel wierd ramdomly going on a rant that could go on for a page on a complete stranger:
Basicallly tehy are saying that the concert didn't remind them much of Africa... at the Canadian concert almost everyone mentioned the cause. But on the internationl footage on CTV only when Sir Bob, and Nelson Mandela spoke did it seem any one really said anything. But when watching the AOL live feed. between acts videos and stuff was shown... also in London behind the perfomers fottage was shown too. I think it was poor editing on by tv broadcasters that let the message get lost. On the radio you could hear people talking about fair trade. I went on my rant as to how and why it helps on Jessie's LJ so I won;t go into it here... I also said it at my BBQ (nice segway eh?)
That was good times! Thank you everyone for comming. I had so much fun talking to everyone for the first time in ages. I miss seeing you all on a regular basis. It seems from both Vicky's and Angie's post about Saturday that I should be giving Angie a brusin' for her advances on my Vicky-cakes! *shakes fist* I'm watching you!
I am reading the Princess Bride right now and so far it's really good! Ihave nothing else to say really so toodles!
Edit: I don't know whay but I decided to look at an entry a year ago this week. And in it I was like " I wanna see QAF the British Mini series..." earlier toaday I was thinking the same thing too! Almost exactly a year later. Creepy and cool conincidence!
good times,