All good things.

Jun 29, 2007 08:06

• All good things.

We, Americans, have had some minor victories lately. These really give me hope.

• Bush's approval rating is even lower now than thought possible.

• We are still cleaning up Iraq, lets move on to Iran next.

• The American people have told the Corrupt that we want consequences for breaking the law. Let's not legalize 12mil Illegals. Let them wait in line. You want reform? Fix the border, then we -might- talk.

• New polls show voter apathy is on a decline, followed by the thought that a reprieve from the 2 party system would be encouraged.

• We have said with a resounding voice, "Go home, change your own country. Not ours". If those 12mil would go back and engage in a bloodless revolution, they could be a 1st or 2nd world.

• We are one step closer to nixing the Anchor Baby policy that has helped pollute this nation. Not even our neighbors (Canada and Mexico) are stupid enough to have such a policy. Why should we?

Up until this point, I though the American people had their heads in their asses. As for the 12 mil that are here? Economics. We need to make the cost of being here out weight the benefit and they will go back.

Let the others wait in line. I have no problem with willing, legal,  immigrants. If they are going to go through the motions. Hell, after we fix the boarder, perhaps we should change the process up a little, and make the wait less lengthy. But we have to defend this country first.

If you're open to anything, you'll fall for everything.

The only real downside is that the iPhone is being released today. This will aid in the decline of the average person's intelligence, keep them cowed, and prolong any chance they had to experience an Awakening; as well as harden the shell of reality to prevent the second coming.

"All for King Eternal"

phone, doom, hope, politics, war, success

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