Wits(•••)+Resources(•): Needed, 3 Successes...
I am trying to escape here. Trying to get out and away. I get to the 24 hr Coffee Shop, I have my phone (that is dying), my laptop with headphones and stylus, I have my wireless adapter. The wireless, it refuses to connect well, and thus my whole plot is foiled, except... I remember there is a slim chance that I have an Ethernet Cord in my trunk. Who has one? A nerd like me.
I can't see, but I know the -feel- of the plastic on a cord such as that. I grope around in the dark and find one, it's old, and dirty, and it might have some fractured strands inside....
Sure enough it works. If not I couldn't make this post. Tonight is all about me, selfish me. I didn't get to vote, I am tired, and need to play the role of psychic-vampire some more. I was plenty creative when I had -her- essence to steal. Such is the plight of a Leo.
More on this later, but tonight I am working on the ROI Charts necessary to put together a Web-Comic. This laptop is a POS. I need to format it when I get home.
I would go nuts without Live365, and my Tripple-Shot-iced-Mocha.
My phone is dying, you can reach me by Trillian or Skype tonight.
• New Red Steel Ad.
Red Steel is a sword/gun game for the Wii, it is first person, and the game takes into account when you slash, and at what angle you hold your weapons...
Franken Elmo