New Red Steel Ad.

Nov 07, 2006 18:35

Wits(•••)+Resources(•): Needed, 3 Successes...

I am trying to escape here. Trying to get out and away. I get to the 24 hr Coffee Shop, I have my phone (that is dying), my laptop with headphones and stylus, I have my wireless adapter. The wireless, it refuses to connect well, and thus my whole plot is foiled, except... I remember there is a slim chance that I have an Ethernet Cord in my trunk. Who has one? A nerd like me.  
     I can't see, but I know the -feel- of the plastic on a cord such as that. I grope around in the dark and find one, it's old, and dirty, and it might have some fractured strands inside....
     Sure enough it works. If not I couldn't make this post. Tonight is all about me, selfish me. I didn't get to vote, I am tired, and need to play the role of psychic-vampire some more. I was plenty creative when I had -her- essence to steal. Such is the plight of a Leo.

More on this later, but tonight I am working on the ROI Charts necessary to put together a Web-Comic. This laptop is a POS. I need to format it when I get home.

I would go nuts without Live365, and my Tripple-Shot-iced-Mocha.

My phone is dying, you can reach me by Trillian or Skype tonight.

• New Red Steel Ad.

Red Steel is a sword/gun game for the Wii, it is first person, and the game takes into account when you slash, and at what angle you hold your weapons...

Franken Elmo

red steel, wii, game

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