Feb 12, 2006 06:06
• Can't sleep...
I feel like we got so much done today. We had a Dev meeting for Project: ID; things are going nicely. Then there was a party down by the pool that was rather fun. I cannot sleep though. I cannot shut off my brain. I wanted to go to church in the next few hours, but I won't have gotten any sleep.
My stomach jumped up into my throat when I saw that Auna was online. I am still not allowed to talk to her in -any- capacity, and if I know what is good for me I never will. Nothing will mask the pain, and loss, but time. The wounds are still fresh, they still burn badly, there is so much I want to share with her (but not her); with the Auna that I fell in love with, not the Auna she became.
I hate V-Day, and not to sound Emo, but I need to be resolute in my realization that I will be alone this year.
I am going to lay in bed till the sun comes up.