• Drinking the last Dew.
You heard me, I am drinking the last Dew. Not the last dew ever. I just feel compelled to tell you non-readers that I am drinking the last Dew in my fridge and, considering I don't get paid for another two weeks, I won't be getting more for awhile. Usher in... Zombie Andrew.
• ID
You think I forgot about it. NO. I did not (thank -you- very much). You see; I am a visual person. That said, the only way I think I can inspire others is if I have something I can wave in their face or drop in their plate. I have been working, thinking and doing. J, my partner in crime, will help bring the beast back to life I am sure. I want to cover the splats and then tie in the rest later.
• J gets a Live Journal.
Merry Christmas Jeremy. I AM going to get you a LJ. I will archive your old blog for you and then turn the account over to you to manage. I realize that can be daunting, but the librarian in me wants to take on the challenge. Live Journal, and SeMagic are superior anyway.
• The Zone.
As we speak, I am putting the finishing touches on, The Zone logo. I will be adding it to my portfolio as soon as the final product is in my Client's hands. It has been a pleasure working with you.
My guts tell me more is coming. My life-coil and that of Mr Reznor's are paired. We cannot make a move without affecting one another. I move in December (31st). Lets see if we get a new album or single at least 30 days from then (if not the announcement there-of).
• Project Logos.
I have been toying with an idea as long as I have been toying with ID. There was a time when they were one in my head. This was wrong. I am just giving you a glimpse, but cannot say much. A new endeavor is on the horizon; a experiment in fiction. Stay tuned for more details.
http://www.livejournal.com/community/project_logos/ • White Wolf Makes me drool again.
I want this. Not really. I mean I want the Case. I have all the books, so I fired off an e-mail to ask if they are selling the case separately.
http://secure1.white-wolf.com/catalog/product_info.php?cPath=35&products_id=725 if I would have looked harder I would have found it here...
http://secure1.white-wolf.com/catalog/product_info.php?cPath=34&products_id=724 and I want this...