Summer plans for next year!!!

Jul 21, 2005 19:29

So I had my TRC meeting this morning and guess what I get to do next summer....

DRIVER'S ED!!!!!! AHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!! I'm so scared!!!!!! I don't have the best driving record!!! I've hit a telephone pole and almost taken out several parked cars! Oh and what's even more fun is that in order to take the class, I have to take the written test for the FOURTH time to get my permit again!!! I've taken that dang test four times to renew my permit but I have yet to be able to drive!! Sheesh!!!! Oh scared as I am, I am SOOOOOOOOOO thrilled at the thought of being able to FINALLY drive and be on my own and come and go as I please!!! And the best news of all is that my counselor is letting me take it here in NB instead of in SA, which I wouldn't do if you paid me a million dollars!!! Oh and she looked at my last evaluation and apparently, I'm not allowed to drive at night. It's all good though...I can do it! I can do it! And who knows, I may come visit one of you guys soon!

** H A V E Y O U E V E R **
Given anyone a bath?: pets
Smoked?: nope
Bungee jumped?: nope, but I watched my band instructor bungee jump in FL!! It was awesome!!!
Made yourself throw up?: ewwwww no!
Skinny dipped?: riiiiiiight
Ever been in love?: nope
Pictured your crush naked?: you're funny!
Actually seen your crush naked?: and you just keep on getting funnier!
Cried when someone died?: who doesn't???
Lied: yeah
Fallen for your best friend?: yes and it worked cause we dated for 2 months!
Been rejected?: yep
Rejected someone?: sadly, yes, but I couldn't live a lie
Used someone?: no way!
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