my body is swollen.

Dec 01, 2005 06:52

10 Firsts:
- first best friend: Lisa and Lorenzo
- first screename: flirtinchick33
- first kiss: taco
- first pet: greatest cat ever, rampage
- first piercing: ears [3monthsold]
- first crush: Jerm Cavileer
- first music: New Kids On the Block
- first car: 2002 Chrysler Sebring
- first love: ...
- first date: movies with Jon?

9 Lasts:
- last cigarette: another lifetime?
- last alchoholic drink: a few weekends ago. i love my weymouth<3
- last car ride: twenty minutes ago. [Bank/Egg Harbor]
- last real kiss: on Monday :)
- last movie seen: Just Friends with some awesome kids <333
- last phone call: I called Chester, then Amanda called me woo!
- last CD played: Craig's Mix. i love it
- last bubble bath: a few months ago. i used too much bubbles haha
- last time you cried: last night. [im a cry baby]

8 Have You Evers:
- have you ever been arrested: not-uh.
- have you ever dated one your best friends: kinda sorta.
- have you ever skinny dipped: mhm.
- have you ever been on TV: yes, actually, a few times.
- have you ever kissed someone & then regretted it: only this one time.
- have you ever had a sex dream about someone you knew?: doesnt everyone?
- have you ever snuck out: not out of my house
- have you ever been in a fight: other than with my sister and brother? nah

7 Things You're Wearing:
- volleyball pants
- irish dancing sweatshirt
- earings
- palm tree bracelet
- tank top
- socks
- 5 dollar payless shoes [soooo comfortable!]

6 Things You've Done Today:
-drove to lisas house
-was filmed for NBC 40 with the choir.
-blinded by my boyfriends jacket
-ate at T.G.I.Fridays with a few of my best friends
-made a deposit at the bank
-napped, then woke up swollen

5 Favorite Things In No Particular Order:
-cuddling while watching movies
-fresh baked chocolate chip cookies, right out of the oven

4 People You Can Tell Anything To:
- Lisa
- Lorenzo
- Pigeons
- Shana

3 Choices:
-black or white: white.
-hot or cold: hot
-chocolate or vanilla: chocolate.

2 Things You Want to Do Before You Die:
- fall in love. for real.
- go on a cruise

1 thing you regret:
- that one summer night... enough said.
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