Oct 16, 2006 21:59
It's amazing. I'm certainly addicted to the Internet; I know it every time I travel. I feel so naked, so incomplete without my compy, without the ability to check my email. And here I am, finally in front of a computer, two euro per half-hour. (I have five minutes left so sorry for any typos.) I check my two email accounts, write some email... and I find myself at a loss of what exactly to do next.
I enjoy my Internets en masse. I can't check every webcomic, or read every news site (or even one without skimming)... The time limit makes for such a paradox of choice...
So I checked a couple webcomics and wrote this post. :)
Amsterdam is amazing. Amazingly beautiful, amazingly perverted. And the food's great. Tomorrow I leave for Brussels. I don't know how, but somehow I will have to remember enough of the awesomeness to record it once I get the opportunity.
And... I'm out!