More procrastinating

May 04, 2006 02:03

Spell your name without vowels: KRN RSTD

What is the date 2 days after your birthday?: December 13.

How many pairs of jeans do you own? Two that fit, one held together by pajama pants, and two that will no longer willingly cover my massive butt...

What color do you wear most?: Blue. Lots of blue.

Least favorite color? Hm... Depends on context, really. I've never been much of a fan of seafoam green. Or puce. Or bright yellow-orange. Or magenta.

Last song you heard?: Out loud? "Long Life Love" by Stereolab. In my head? "My Piano Sings" by Tryad.

What's for dinner tonight? What did I Oh yeah. Some odd bean-and-lentil dish with rice at CMC, plus bread, veggies, and applesauce.

Are you happy with your life right now?: Not right now, though I know it will get better.

Anyone ever said you resemble a celebrity: Ha, no.

In what state or country do you want to go to school in?: I want to be in several states and/or countries, but not for school...

Do you shop at stores like Hollister, Abercrombie & Fitch, and Aeropostale? I'm pretty sure I've never even set foot in any of the above. Mostly because I'm too big for the sizes they usually carry and I don't have money coming out my ears.

How do you make money?: Last summer: Cleaning toilets in the middle of nowhere. This summer: Drawing pretty pictures in Philly.

Last thing you bought over 50 dollars?: The shuttle ride back from LAX. $56 and three hours of my life. Fucking SuperShuttle.

When do you start Summer Break?: May 13

Are you missing someone right now?: Nelson, my cat, people from home...

One word to describe you: Roaararrrrr

Favorite shoes? Brown leather sandals, when I don't have a massive blister of doom on my ankle...

Do you own big sunglasses?: Never.

What would you rather be doing right now?: Sleeping on my futon at home.

What should you be doing right now?: I'm not sure. Pulling the third white night in a row for this paper? Or sleeping in anticipation of my dance performance tomorrow? Right now I guess I'm just cooling down from dancing.

Gwargh. It hasn't been a completely unproductive evening--I wrote my dance and practiced it in the Mudd green room. Hopefully it won't be too abysmal tomorrow. But the paper still isn't done. 6/10 pages and I'm stuck. So so SO late. I haven't yet emailed my prof about it because I don't know what to tell her... "Hi Prof Drake! Can I have an extension for Being Easily Distracted and Writer's Blocked and Totally Lame? Thanks! :)"

Also, today I skipped IR for about the millionth time this semester...trying to get this paper done. I am a horrible person.

...Okay, I just wrote my prof. Told her I'd get it done by tomorrow (technically today) or else I'd punch myself in the face. Hold me to that, folks.
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