Another unholy survey of doom

Dec 29, 2005 12:11

Mmm... clique-ishness.

1] Do you have a couch in your front yard or porch? If I had a porch, I so totally would. And I do at Mudd. I think that counts.
2] Do you drive a four-wheeler? No.
4] Do you like to get dirrrty? What does that even mean?
5] Do you like country music? Not if I call it country music... The good stuff I consider "folk."
6] Do you have a broken car in your back yard? Not here... We do at my grandma's, though!
8] Do you live on more then 2 acres? Nope.
9] Do you have more then 4 different animals at your home? Cat, goldfish, parakeet, gigantic spiders in basement... humans. There, five.

1] Do you wear eyeliner? Nope. It's too much of a pain.
2] Is most of your clothing dark? Not really... I seem to be wearing black right now, though.
3] Do you think about death often? No.
4] Do you want to die? Not yet.
5] Are you a social outcast? Depends on the context.
6] Are you pale? Whiter shade of pale, indeed.
7] Do you like Hot Topic? Not really... Too overpriced, and I don't like how they killed "Napoleon Dynamite" by overmerchandising it.
8] Do you enjoy IF YOU PISS ME OFF? Is that a band?

--Skater Punk--
1] Can you skateboard? I wish.
2] Do you wear Vans? My shoes have no brand name. They are also old as hell.
3] Do you do stupid stuff with your friends? Of course!
4] Have you gotten in trouble with the Cops? Not me personally... I suppose attending a bonfire that got broken up by the police might count.
5] Do you watch the x-games? People watch those?
6] Do you have any piercings? Just one in each ear. Thinking of getting a second pair, though.
7] Do you like/wear mohawks? I don't have anything particularly *against* them. But if you have to wear a mohawk to be rebellious, you're trying too hard.
8] Do you wear Band t-shirts? Maybe, if I had any.
9] Have you called someone a poser? Yes -- George W. Bush. :)
T0TAL YES: 3.0

1] Do you say the word "like"? I try to avoid it.
2] Do you shop at Hollister/Abercrombie & Fitch? Never have.
4] Do the people in Hot Topic scare you? Considering half of them are like fourteen? Not at all.
5] Is the only nerd u like Seth Cohen? Does he spell the word "you" like that? Then HELL NO.
6] Do you watch LAGUNA BEACH? Never heard of it.
8] Do you want/have a little dog? They tend to get annoying... I prefer cats.
T0TAL YES : 0.0

1] Is your hair long? Used to be.
2] Do you own a tye-dye shirt? More than one, though I don't wear them that often.
3] Do you like the peace sign? I like peace. I guess the symbol's okay. Kind of easy to mix up with the Mercedes thingie, though.
4] Do You want to save the animals? I guess. I don't like animal cruelty.
5] Do you think war is unnecessary? In a global order of nation-states, war happens. But I do think it happens far too frequently. And I want no part in it.
6] Is love essential in your life? Yup.
7] Have you smoked pot? Nope. Don't plan on it.
8] Do you like classic rock and trippy music? I guess Noel has hooked me on it pretty effectively.
9]Are you a vegetarian? No, though I think it's cool. Alas, I am merely a pragmatic pescatarian...
10]Are you laid back? Yes, though not by nature. I guess I've learned how to de-stress pretty effectively.
T0TAL YES: 4.5

1] Do you act ghetto? Only for irony's sake.
2] Do you wear do-rags? Do girls wear those?
4] Was Tupac truly the greatest rapper in the world? Never heard his music.
5] Do you believe he's alive? No...
6] Do you like afros? Dakota's afro is teh shit. And so was Jojo's, before he cut it. So yes.
7] Have you ever said "Fo Shizzle"? I don't believe so...
8] Do you like to dance? Do I like to? YES. Am I any good at it? NO.
9] Do you own any Baby Phat or G-Unit? Who?

1] Do you cry often? Define "often." Probably not.
2] Do you wear hoodies? Yep.
3] Do you like soft music? Yes. But I definitely also enjoy the rocking of out.
4] Do people not understand you? Y'know... I don't really worry about that. I'd rather try to understand others.
5] Do you write your own songs? Yep! Wish I wrote more often.
6] Ever dyed your hair red, black or dark? I've gone red a couple times.
7] Do you cut your own hair? Not usually--but Kathleen does!
8] Are you lonely right now? I guess. Not particularly *feeling* lonely at the moment, though.
9] Is Ohio for lovers? More like Virginia: admitted to statehood in 1788. Silly vanity tees.
10] Do you wear black rimed glasses? No--they don't really fit my face.

1] Do you surf? Never have. I suppose I'll have to try before I graduate.
2] Do you wear flip flops year-round? Did last year... This year's been too cold for that.
3] Is your hair shaggy? No.
4] Do you wake up before 6 every morning? HELL no.
5] Do you own any pairs of shorts? But of course.
6] Are you tan? Ha, nope. I think I've been tan once in my life--after a massive sunburn of doom that will probably be responsible for me having skin cancer in the future.
7] Do you want to be at the beach right now? Sure, why not?
8] Do you hate tourists? I don't hate tourists. I hate all the trashy overpriced knickknacks and distractions that spring up to cater to them.

1] Do you wear glasses? Yes!
2] Do you get good grades? Yeah, I guess.
3] Do you use an inhaler? No.
4] Do you stick pens and calculators into your shirt pockets? I used to keep pens in my hair on a regular basis. But then I cut it. Wah...
5] Does your mom pick out your clothes? More like picking out my own clothes, then having to change when Mom's like "You're wearing THAT??"
5] Are you on the computer often? Often? How about always?
6] Do you ever get picked on? I used to when I was a kid. Now all teasing is in jest.
7] Do you look forward to go to school? Yeah, I like college.
8] Are you shy around the opposite sex? Are we talking guyfriends or boyfriends? Around guyfriends I'm anything but. Around attractive folks it's usually like "guh buh brain no workie RUN AWAY"

Yay, geekiness wins! I was afraid I was going to end up being classified as an emo hippie or something for a while...
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