Apr 15, 2007 12:04
The First Day
by Christina Rossetti
I wish I could remember the first day,
First hour, first moment of your meeting me;
If bright or dim the season it might be;
Summer or winter for aught I can say.
So, unrecorded did it slip away,
So blind was i to see and to forsee,
So dull to mark the budding of my tree
That would not blossom, yet, for many a May.
If only I could recollect it! Such
A day of days! I let it come and go
As traceless as a thaw of bygone snow.
It seemed to mean so little, meant so much!
If only now I could recall that touch,
First touch of hand in hand! - Did one but know!
I hope you all will forgive my excessive gushiness of late. I think this is because aroundabout now, three years ago, was a pretty damn special time. And, unlike Ms Rossetti, I remember a lot of it.
currently listening to: "i'm glad your dad could not resist your momma's charms, and you exist...all because two people fell in love"