
Jul 19, 2004 18:44

Being patient is a virtue and those who are gifted enough to have patience, I admire. I do not have any patience at all. For brief periods of time I may, but it wears away quickly. So when at first, I check my e-mail once a day- I slowly check it more and more frequently until it is like six times a day, waiting for someone to e-mail me! So at the moment, if I had a genie and I had three wishes, I think instead of world peace- I'd wish for patience. Kidding... or am I?

The sad thing is, that I am also a horrible procrastinator. If one is impatient- you would think that they would want to get their work done as soon as possible just because they wouldn't be able to wait and do it. However, everything just tries to hold you back so you can't do anything and you just have a bunch of crap traits like procrastination and impatience. I'm not trying to offend anybody because I am the same way, and it sucks, doesn't it?

Blah! I am off to wait now...
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