May 04, 2005 01:05
The Mars Orbiter was a $125 million scientific piece of art work.
Lockheed Marting helped build the orbiter along with NASA, only to lose
it in September of 1999 because of a measurement because their
engineering team used the English system of measurement instead of the
conventional and standardized metric system of measurement.
The US government passed a bill in the 70's that was supposed to
enforce slowly yet surely, the gradual transfering from the english
imperial system, over to metric. This obviously never
happened. Nothing was done at all, in order to actually achieve
this goal. I havn't seen any speed limit signs changes, and the
last time I looked MPH was much larger on my speedometer than
KM/H. Yes, metric is taught in schools, but unless people
actually get to use it in life they are just going to forget it.
Anyways, the lesson learned in this story is this. If you have
something very valuable in your life, don't lose it because your too
stupid to switch to use the correct system of measurement. 20 of
something may not seem like much, until you some day realize that the
20 of something is actually the same as 100 of something else.