Sep 20, 2005 19:23
So here's a monumental decision I'm going to have to make in my life. I've decided it might be a good idea to run as a Green Party Alderman. It's coming to my attention more and more the necessity of activism to catalyze change in government. As a very young candidate, I would need to have an extreme dedication and very strong realistic ideals. So without further ado- my potential running platform (my Green Party ideals).
-Grassroots Democracy
Every person should have a say in decisions that will affect their lives. The public should be as participant as possible in local government.
-Social Justice and Equal Opportunity
Every person, regardless of any diversity, is entitled to benefit from the resources of the area EQUALLY.
-Ecological Wisdom
Humans are a PART of nature, not a seperate catergory. We need to find a way to maintain ecological balance and start living within our means.
As a species we need to develop alternatives to violence in modern society, while keeping safety of people and overall peace in mind.
Centralization of wealth leads to injustices in society, corruption, and militarization where none is necessary. Wealth should be more decentralized in order to spread Democracy as opposed to Bureaucracy, and decisions should be kept as local as possible with overall human rights considered.
-Community Based Economics and Economic Justice
A decent standard of living should be implemented for all people, while sustaining ecological balance. Worker's rights should be protected and "quality of life" should be enhanced, again spreading Democracy further into the public.
-Feminism and Gender Equity
There should be a call for replacement of the current cultural ethics that politics are rightfully men-dominated with cooperative strategies or interaction with respect to gender and opinion. Equity between the sexes and interpersonal responsibility should be developed with moral consciences.
-Respect for Diversity
Diversity should be valued at all levels and one should have respectful relationships on each side. The diversity of society should be shown politically.
-Personal and Global Responsibility
One should act to improve their own well-being while at the same time maintaining ecological balance and social harmony. People and organizations should gather together to foster peace and the health of the planet.
-Future Focus and Responsibility
All actions should be made with long term goals, with the protection of our resources kept in mind. Waste should be "unmade" and a sustainable economic system not based on expansion should be implemented to ensure long-term stability. Short term profit goals should be counterbalanced with long term economic development, new technologies and fiscal policies are responsible to the future generations who inherit our actions.
There it is, my running platform. Who supports me here? And who would be willing to help?