So it's going to be an extremely long day, considering I started working at 9 today and won't be done til 'nigh 11 tonight. But alas, City Hall does lend itself to be a very good place to think and record things, so I figured I'd speak out on some of my views and see where my friends stand on 'em too
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Buddhism is the way to go, man. I don't know if it is really a religion, because there is no belief in a supreme being. I view it more as a way of life.
I agree with you on drugs and death also. The only thing I'd add about death is that I have a lot left I want to do while I'm alive, and as such I can honestly say I don't want to die just yet. I can't be apathetic towards it and won't be for a while.
In regard to any particular life being insignificant, you're completely right if you want to look at it that way. But, no one can live life knowing they're insignificant. My life and my actions are significant to me because they are all I can truly know because I'm the one living my life. Therefore, I am significant, even if only to myself. I may be a grain of sand in the ocean, but thats who I am. We don't live life as a collective conciousness. Conversely, life is personal and unique to each individual.
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