(no subject)

Apr 13, 2004 22:27

We all have our own demons we're fighting inside. the ones we dont want anyone to know we have in us. we all get hurt and confused and lost in this life and we all look to someone or somthing of a greater power to get us through.

We are so scared of our future that we hand it over to this other power, because we are so afraid of making wrong decisions. this greater power can be anything. some choose music, some choose drugs and some choose God amongst many other things. We try to find answers from them, a reason for why things happen the way they do.

We also have those little things that keep us together. those things or people that keep our hope that we arent alone and we may not be as insane as we think we are. and then there are those things we do to try and prove that we are as normal as the next person. most of the time it can fool others, but never ourselves and so we live a life of contradictory.

Ive come to the conclusion that most people in their midlife are NOT were they thought they would be 10 years ago. For some where they are now is so much greater than they ever could have imagined. But for many more its less. We learn to deal with it, accept it as it is. most people are too discouraged to try and change. they hope that they will wake up one morning and things will be much different. they will be living the life of the person they envy, the one who has a perfect life. But is there such a thing? i once read the quote " Be kind, for everyone you meet is fighting a harder battle." Every person has regrets, the things you wish you had a time machine for, to go back and do over. But we cant, all we can do is change ourselves in the present, who we are now and live with our mistakes. Life is only as good as you make it, and there is no time like the present to make a change
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