Real Person Slash: Lord of the Rings (2)
The Sandman (2)
Master and Commander (1)
Pirates of the Caribbean (1)
American Gods (2)
Road to El Dorado (1)
The Brothers Grimm (1)
Digimon (1)
Fight Club (1)
The Talented Mr. Ripley (3)
Last Exile (3)
Bakumatsu Kikansetsu Irohanihoheto (1)
Real Person Slash: Lord of the Rings
Charming Billy by sparklytiara (Dominic Monaghan/Billy Boyd, PG)
Billy has no reason to be unhappy.
And usually he isn’t. Because usually he’s moving too fast, laughing too loudly, to see it, to feel it, to think of it. But sometimes there’s a lull. Sometimes there’s a moment of quietness and Billy is unable to avoid the thought anymore. He’s forced to think of it and when he’s forced to think of it, he’s forced to admit it.
3X5 by hackthis (Dominic Monaghan/Billy Boyd, PG-13)
They spend all day inside, sitting in an animatronic tree and working against a blue screen. The first day, they’re happy not to be freezing their arses off in the elements. The second day, they’re glad not to be pissing in bushes. The third day, they’re in the tree for nine hours straight, and Billy’s fit to burst.
The Sandman
Dreams, Absent by queasy (Lucien, PG)
The library is quiet, and mostly empty. Few disturb him inside. Occasionally strayed dreams drift through, and he gently guides them back out to where they can resume their roles. Their Lord is often absent on his own duties, or brooding elsewhere in the palace. His absence is not noted as matter of significance at first. Merv complains about their Lord's neglectful ways.
The Taste of Desire by curry_fish (Desire/Dream, PG-13)
“At least I think you’re Barnaby,” Delirium says. “Maybe you’re not. Maybe you’re a super-secret agent from outer space. Or an apple in a worm. I had an apple in a worm once. It blew bubbles at me. Yeah.”
Master and Commander
Please by Peak-in-Darian (Aubrey/Maturin, NC-17)
Stephen’s breathing was almost orgasmic now, save that it was pain he felt and not pleasure; pain, that coursed through every capillary and permeated his skin.
Pirates of the Caribbean
Hurricane Jack by shrift (Jack/Will, NC-17)
This does not mean that Jack is unprepared. Except when he is, and when he is, it's usually in some fabulously spectacular fashion that results in a short-lived marooning or being not-quite-hanged. (Should he ever have the miserable misfortune to hang in chains on Deadman's Cay, Jack firmly believes that he will hang there more fabulously than any pirate who has been hanged there before, simply because everything Jack does is fabulous.)
American Gods
The City of Towers by irisbleu and linnpuzzle (Salim/Ifrit, R)
New York does not scare Salim as much as it did before. He has gotten used to the black people, and the Jews, and all of the other shapes and sizes of people that ride in his cab. The crowds do not bother him as much, either, as he spends most of his time safely behind the wheel, and there is the Plexiglas barrier between him and his passengers. The crowds of cars - traffic, a word of which he has become fond - protect him somehow, a current of lights and colors cutting through a fathomless sea.
Road to El Dorado
Adrift by ladyjaida (Tulio/Miguel, R)
"It's useless." He could feel Tulio shift a little. Now, all he had to wait for was his companion to reassure him about how he still had a plan, and how all they needed was an apple core and a horse hair. Something like that. Tulio always had a plan, was one of those people who could get you out of anything after a little scheming, so long as he had something to work with.
The Brothers Grimm
Justifying the Beans by ladyjaida (Will/Jake, PG)
Except now, they know there has been a forest once -- a malevolent mirror -- a dead queen -- trees with whispering roots -- the magic of crows and thirteen tombs -- a man who crawled on all fours like a wolf -- children whisked away, reborn in the belly of a river.
No Formalities by callingtwilight (Jyou/Yamato, NC-17)
Yamato's mind was like that, he'd think something, and then you'd be thinking it as well without a word being said. Or vice versa. His mind would have traveled to further depths on the subject, but they were in the elevator, and the doors were sliding shut.
Fight Club
I am Jack's Infinity by xoleanderx (Narrator/Tyler, PG-13)
But Tyler is not dead. I did not kill him. He's only dead to the outside world.
He only exists in my head.
The Talented Mr. Ripley
Victims by Marnie (Tom/Peter, PG-13)
On the balcony of their hotel, Peter stands - an elegant man with the pallor of an Englishman, very dark hair, and eyes so tear-dazzled their colour cannot be told. Grey-green, perhaps, like sunless ice. Behind him, faintly, through the closed glass doors, comes the sound of the house orchestra sleepwalking through Boccherini's Sonata for Violin & Cello in D Major, and by his side a matronly woman in an exquisite cashmere shawl gives him an embarrassed, sympathetic look.
Cinquanta by Elske (Tom/Peter, PG-13)
A candlelit bath, shared: neither admits it, but they’re both thinking of Dickie.
Reflection by Know My Dark (Tom/Peter, PG-13)
That voice, his voice, soft like a feather, smooth like silk… The loneliness multiplies tenfold - I cannot forget, I cannot hide…
Tom is beautiful…
Last Exile
For I Speak Not Loud Or Long by Ravenclaw42 (Dio/Lucciola, PG)
"What have you found?" she crooned, leaning over the child.
"Look, look, look," the boy -- Dio -- chanted, poking at the thing on the floor with a small finger. "It's moving, it's moving, look. Sometimes it glows. What kind is it? I haven't learned them all."
Falling Coin by Yma (Dio/Lucciola, PG-13)
What can be said of us? We who flew upon broken wings? Our harsh calls echoing the swan-song of both comrades and enemies. All for us… all for us.
Ice by Ethernaut (Dio/Lucciola, PG)
Lucciola feels cold, sees everything with an alarming clarity, an icy certainty. The world is full of hard edges and too-bright lights; Lucciola is all hard edges himself, now, the softness which he used to have frozen into something entirely different.
Bakumatsu Kikansetsu Irohanihoheto
The Strengthe of the Unicorne by kakashidiot (Enomoto/Sousetsu, Hijitaka/Sousetsu, NC-17)
Alone -
He was sitting at his desk.