Jan 05, 2007 12:10
Not alot would ever know that 2 years ago i had my breasts reducted from a 38DDD to a 38B.
Well my sisters friend had her breasts reducted a few months earlier than me. Too me what she got was a shitty job and plus her tits are still huge.
Recently she wanted to add me to her friends list. I didn't know why so i added her. Well i have my profile on private then but i don't know. Well i think* what she was looking for is pics of my top half.
You see her mom wants to get breast reduction but shes far to big and refuses to loose weight so shes mad. She also thinks* i had a botch job which i don't know how she would know cause she's never seen me with my cloths off....lol
The last time she saw me i was 2 weeks out of surgery my breasts were swollen and tight and small so i looked odd. Plus for a while you have to wear a certain bra.
Well now her mother had togo and research my doctor and well my mother told me he got his liscense in the phillipines. I don't care where he got it my doctor did a good job on me.
My friends mother is also a racist. Maybe she wants to start something because she can't get anything done and or shit I don't know.
Personally everyday i can look in the mirror and say i love my lil 2 twins :-)