christmas ramblings
well here i'am again rambing on and on about x-mas and all the shit that comes with it. I've been wrapping gifts. And this year why can't the gifts be easy to wrap? So we have now resorted to gift bags on those hard bal to wrap
Sent my cards out friday or saturday. When you get yours please let me know and what day did i really send them. I feel like i'm going mad. And i didn't send a card to everyone just my close friends & family. I'm tired of licking evelopes! Monday up at the church were all doing a gift handout and card exhange Maybe science one day well link that linking holiday envelopes well cure a certain
Holiday shoppers and drivers are on my shitlist! what fucking asses they are. And my heart goes out to anyone in retail or who has to deal with assholes these holidays! Just because your customer don't mean you have the right to be a donkeys butt!
I did however had to open my grandmothers presents. SHHHHHHHHH! don't tell her. Got a check for a $100 which i spent 88 bucks on a 7.0 megapixel camera which is a tight lil thing from poloroid. the clarity is terrific! my other gift was bling! a light gold necklace with my birthstone in the middle with diamonds. Not gaughty either. sweetly done heres the link for it : the only thing i own with real diamonds :-)
Onto other news i got a chin hair that needs to be pulled and a few zits to be popped. Gross i know!
Just since i hit my mid 20's i get chin hairs. In random areas. Damn! popping pimples are fun to. Only if they explode all over the i like to use my sisters mirror :-) and i feel there is nothing fun when you pop a pimple and nothing but water comes out. All that work and for what? damn a girl needs some EXPLOSION here.
ok i'm done being gross. went and saw the shrink yesterday! fun he was. as soon as i got in he just had to get me out of his office. i guess thats a sign he can't stand me???
So the rest of the trip while in tacoma me and mum did shopping and bought back panda express. Yummie.
the weather has been haywire here. the compu systems down then up, down then up. the wind and rain is worse. thats washington state for you and while this is all a going the sun is out
well i best go. have to tod alot.