Nov 24, 2006 12:32
Well Today is black friday. And all of the dumb asses are out I'd never choose to shop on this day of the year! I did it once with my mum and sister back in 1998 and AWWWWWWW what a fucking nightmarre. I pretty much Have an idea of what i want and got all of the peoples addresses out of who i'm sending cards too. I did get cute x-mas cards last year.....hehe.
Well my turkey day was nice. I wasn't feeling so hot. Felt so sluggish. Been like that all week. We avoided phone calls and My dads sister and my cousins would just love to come down for a FREE meal and surprise us. Its pretty bad my dad loathes all of his family but so do we! Our turkey was succullent and the food was good. How ever i don't eat left over. I let my dad and sister have the turkey samwitches. Ack!
Today its windy as shit out. Very very cold. Can tell winter is comming. WEeeeeeeeeeeee.
I don't have much on my mind to say. All of it revolves around my sister. Like always. I think my parents find me to dependent, I'm glad i don't have a drivers liscense sometimes.
well right latter. My head is begiing to pound.