soooo the week from hell is over! thank god!
at the end of friday i was sooo exhausted i nearly fell asleep during the exam, how embarassing is that? even more so because it wasn't a written exam... but thank god i wasn't alone! and he (the prof) was really nice about me being dead tired ;-P
otherwise than Uni not much has happenend, i actually planed to sleep from Saturday till Monday morning but...
i'll be doing Agility with Bhawani, or at least i will try, depends if Bhawani's having fun too. we start our first course in about two weeks, i'm excited!
and i've been to my aunts place yesterday in Bad Gastein. it was such a great day! packed my mom, my aunt and my dogs in my car and than we took of, and three guesses what i forgot at home? yep, right, the camera... actually i planned to leave the house at 10.30 a.m at the last so that we reach the train without having to speed and even if the traffic is rough, if i would have left at 10.30 i also would have had the time to drive home again for the cam (i wasn't that far gone when i remembered) BUT somehow (and i give all the blame to my mother) we didn't leave home till 11... and than i had to speed... and than that stupid train still left the station in front of my nose!! ARGH! had to wait an hour for the next (the fastest way to my aunt is through the mountains, but there's no street, only a railway to get you on the other side of the mountain and you have to load your car on a train and that st**** a**** of a train service attendant didn't let me board... he said i was to late... the train left 5 min. later... enought time to load which doesn't take more than a minute but noooo i had to wait...and i left my camera... if i would have known that i would've turned around and got the cam... )
and as told in
my last post, click me! i wanted to make a longish post about my second lady cat, Nicki. well.... here she is =>
well, yes, i wasn't that successful taking a pic of her... she just wouldn't stand still and everytime she saw me coming at her with the camera she took off...
i'm working on it, but it might take a bit longer than expected! her story will get posted when i can show her sweet face to go with it!
but i took many pics outside in the garden today, sooo
flowers, flowers, flowers....
my favourite flowers =>
ohh nose!
and we have a new favourite hobby! soccer!
is it a plane?
still alive? i just couldn't make a decision which ones not to post!