...then you know the company is going into Insanely Frugal Mode (IFM).
It was bad enough when they were buying the cheap 2-ply stuff from the dollar store, but this? I don't see the point. You merely wind up using twice the paper, so there really is no savings. I'm not about to, er... allocate myself the same length as usual, if I feel that is insufficient.
It's only a matter of time before they replace the water cooler and paper cups with a thermos and a tin cup on a bank pen chain. (I'm not sure why I specified a bank pen chain. I mean, I'm sure there are other existing uses for such a chain. I just can't think of one.)
I'm thinking of changing my LJ icons to my own comic strip characters, even though they are relative unknowns. Well, actually, they are known to my relatives, so I guess that would make then non-relative unknowns.
I'd been pondering this notion for a while, but it wasn't until recently that I picked up the idea and tossed it around again.
See, I went and posted a note on the journal of a well-known comic strip artist whose name I will not reveal other than to say the letters in his name can be rearranged to spell "Jovial C. Honk".
Anyway, I suddenly felt very self-conscious about the fact that I was using a copyrighted image (namely, Satchel from "Get Fuzzy") in my note to him. As an artist, I would imagine this sort of thing bothers him. (Not that I'm making money off of it, or taking money away from Darbey Conley in the process... that I'm aware of.)
I'm not entirely sure why I thought he'd care, since probably 85% of the images used on here are probably not the property of the person using them. (And actually, that's probably too low of a guesstimate.) It's not like everyone and their kid sister was creating original works of art for their icons, and here I came along as the Lone Clip-Art Thief.
Okay, I wasn't going anywhere with this, apparently. So I think I'll end it before it's too late.