Lately My whole life I've felt like before I could be beautiful I had to meet certain criteria. When I was younger it was looking like a model. Once I accepted no matter how hard I exercised I would never get rid of my hips, it became other things. Reaching a certain weight. Having a flat stomach. Clear skin. Shiny hair. In other words, things I presumed I could control. It's part of the reason I'm so hard on myself and so self-critical. Because I should be able to "fix" certain things! That's certainly what the beauty industry tells me. And if I don't look a certain way then I can't consider myself beautiful. How f*cking sad and ridiculous. How f*cking sad I and others like me walk around thinking of themselves as anything less than bright, beautiful, attractive. And how ridiculous I can't love myself until X. Until I lose weight. Until my skin clears up. Until whatever.
My favorite EFT guy Brad Yates created a video about this topic. And one of his affirmations is, "I am no longer waiting for the scale to tell me when I love myself." Amen to that. And also I am no longer waiting for the mirror to tell me when I can love myself. Or when I'm beautiful. I love myself right here and right now. And for those of you are interested here is the video. It's helping me change my perspective that's for sure:
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