Aug 11, 2009 17:33
Ohh the infamous shark movies.
One of the only types of movies that makes me squirm in my seat.
I hate the ocean and lakes and any water that you can't see through. It gives me the willies to be in a mass of water and not be able to see what's beside you or underneath you. It gives me the willies to just THINK about being in a mass of water like that.
12 Days of Terror is based off the 12 days in July, 1916 where a shark patrolled the waterways of the northern New Jersey Shore. It's these events that lead Peter Benchley to write Jaws.
This movie did not have the budget of Jaws or the director that Jaws had. There were no great camera tricks or CGI. The sets and art direction were very authentic to 1916 and the acting wasn't half bad.
I honestly liked it alot.
There was no big explosion at the end to give you the satisfaction that they got that huge, scary, fish from hell like Jaws, but the movie overall was very well put together.
Instead of the Orca, you have the Jersey Rose.
Instead of Hooper, you have Capt.
I was never bored while watching this movie. I actually felt like I was watching what Jaws would have been, had it not had the big money backing it up.
If you like shark movies, watch it. You'll like it.
Next on the list is 13 Seconds and then 1408. I'm not sure if I'm going to watch 1408 again, but I'm thinking that I will. Simply because I remember no details of the movie - just that he was a skeptic in a haunted hotel room.