Category Horror

Aug 11, 2009 01:26

So I've got this crazy idea to watch every horror movie I can get my hands on. And what better way to do it than to print a list of the entire horror category in my Hollywood Video to cross off as I go.
I am going to attempt to watch them all!
There's no time frame to have this task completed and I'm not even sure I'll be able to watch all movies completely through, but I'm going to give each and everyone one a fair shot.
There will be no prejudice by title or actress. I will NOT judge a book by it's cover, so to speak. Each will be innocent until proven guilty. And all will get a limmerick or two about how much they sucked, or in far fewer cases, didn't.
Many I will have never seen and some I will have seen but either don't remember, or just want to watch again.

I have no hobbies or goals at the moment, so this is going to be it. The plan is to just go down the list in alphabetical order. Others will get tossed in as they come to dvd or theatres or even watched on tv or Netflix.

It should be fun! All girls need a hobby.
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