Oct 27, 2007 17:38
It's been awhile since I updated eh?
Anyway, be prepared for a long journal entry about school and stress.
School been stressing me out. I'm taking 15 credits (aka 5 classes); 4 of them are English classes and one is Journalism. They all require reading (I'm stuck with boring, plotless Melville, interesting pays such as Tea and Sympathy and Equus, criticism on today's media, etc.). Most of the classes I enjoy but they can really stress you out, especially when you have a scholarship to keep. I'm just grateful to have a wonderful boyfriend, family members, and friends who believe in me and help me feel better, especially during that time of the month.
For my classes in the Spring (yes, I register early for those) I choose a class called Advance Poetry. Now, at first I thought it was just a regular class that required those to take Writing Poetry (which I'm in now) but I talked to my poetry teacher about it and she said it was a graduate class. As an undergraduate I am available to take it but it requires a lot of work. My teacher told me that I have a talent for writing but I need to follow directions more. She is right because my recent poem didn't follow the terms she gave us and I got a poor grade. After hearing all this, I became worried. What if I take the class and I don't do so well? But if I don't take it, I won't be able to fulfill the rest of my English credits because the rest of my classes that I have left aren't available every semester, sometimes. I really want to graduate in time (which is next year) and if I have to take this class, than I'll give it a try. I'm just gonna have to work my butt off next semester. And my teacher said she'll help me one on one, if I need it.
And than there's graduate school. Should I go or shouldn't I? I was thinking about going for Librarian Science. I still want to be a writer but I think it would be better for me to have a steady job and still write on the side, just in case (sort of taking a safety route). But if I do decide to go, I'm gonna have to take a second job (next to my Sunday school secretary job) and probably take night classes because my parents won't be able to pay for me. I don't know what to do. I want to have a career. I don't want to be one of those wives who stay at home and clean the house and do chores. Hopefully, I'll figure out something before I graduate next year.
Oh and before I forget, one of my love birds laid four eggs.
And I'm on MySpace now. I'm using it to keep in contact with my friends (both internet and real life). So if you're on there, look me up!