Dec 17, 2004 19:59
i am completly discontent. mostly i tell myself i dont give a fuck, when in reality i do so much that it becomes dibilitating. its like a bad rash, its cool cos you get outta work, and are home for the day, but sucks ass, cos its this nagging itching thing that you just want to go away.
i should really get better at just not giving a fuck.
misguided and misplaced. i cant wait to get outta here.
all of southern california can eat my cock.
oh and whats up with always wanting to get laid by this hot chick ive known for days, only to be told that im like her sister... fuggin gross! oh, yeah, and oh, then she mounts me and gets all hot and bothered... total incest. ive never tried avoiding direct eye contact as much as i did at that moment.
fuckin fate kicking me in the ass. go figure. ah whatever, shits just drama anyways.
so whats up?