whose got headies? no one

Jun 16, 2006 22:42

Well, I am back from Bonnaroo. Yeah, bullshit right? It was on 700 acre farm land and turns out Evan is deathly allergic to hay so we left today. He couldn't fucking breathe. We didn't get to see any music and even if we stayed we would have to walk like 2 miles to see it. Bonnaroo was a joke, I hate tennesee. I hate those fucking accents.

Last night was funny though. Marcos took 10 doses without realizing so he was tripping face. We all got seperated last night and we were trappped in the concert area. I think I lost like 10 pounds just from not being able to eat and walking like 8 miles in 2 days. I ended up losing Evan and my phone at the same time and I was so stoned and walking around alone for like an hour and a half and then I stumble upon tripping marcos and charlie and we just sat and laughed about the situation we were in. Then I was like "we're setting goals, I'm getting out of here and finding Evan and my phone" and they were like "surreeee" and i left and actually accomplished both, I then found marcos and charlie again and shocked the shit out of them with my bonnaroo skills. They couldn't believe i accomplished both of my goals, and I couldn't either. You will never have any idea how hard it was to get around that place, its 700 acres and theres 90,000 people.

After that I smoked some nice weedies and went into me and evan's tent, changed my clothes and evan was like "do you have a cut on your back?" and I'm like "i dont know.." and he was liek "fuck you have a tick!!" so obviously I start fucking getting nervous as shit. yo man lime disease is not cool in my book. so we fucking walk to this piece of shit hick who is supposed to be one of the medical people for bonnaroo and hes like "i cant do anything about it but I can give you a knife so you can cut it out" to evan and I'm like yo wtf I'm sure i want my boyfriend slicing a tick out of my back and i'm sure he wants to do that. Then we had to walk a fucking mile to this other hick and he just pulled it out in like 2 seconds. Let's just say it was a fucking buzzkill.

fuck bonnaroo, me and evan are going to a better, closer festival thats not gonna be so commercial and its gonna have more drugs. bonnaroo was busting people and no one had fucking weed and evan didn't want me to trip. we're going to gathering of the vibes in upstate ny at the end of the summer. i really hate tennesee so much. goddamnit, i really wanted to see stephen malkmus, oysterhead, disco biscuits, and so many other bands. uughjsdghfs. haha people kept having seizures from taking molly. i saw some bitch have one and i felt awkward about it.

me and evan were bickering the whole fucking time at bonnaroo. its so annoying because i am always right and everyone always knows it so i fucking bitched the shit out of him in the hotel before we got to tennesee. i was fuming, i was bugging the fuck out. He made me cry so much and then i like smoked a bowl, smoked a cigarette, sat in the hotel shower and then went back and fucking just went mad. it felt so good.

since evan couldnt breathe and we had to get out of bonnaroo we took a cab to an airport and I took my first plane today. it was stupid. planes can suck my balls. yo i fucking hate bonnaroo and the 90,000 losers who are still there.

Tomorrows a new day though. I just need to take a shower and fucking eat some grub. peace. FUCK!! I forgot I had to leave my bowl in tennesee with marcos because I couldnt take it on
the plane. roarrrrrrrrr.

i dont even know about shit anymore. i dont know whats going on with me and evan. the first months we were together we were infatuated with eachother and now we just fight all the time. Tomorrow will be better though, we'll just hang out alone in his room and be weirdos together again. Bonnaroo just made us both really mad because it kept shitting on us and I guess we just kept taking it out on eachother. I still love him and I think he still loves me. I feel like a married couple though, I've hung out with him everyday since we met in the beginning of january.

I'm gonna smoke a cigarette and think about life. later.
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