Leech Zero Two Go (MST3K Collection News)

Jul 27, 2013 15:05

Thinking a bit about the new Mystery Science Theater 3000 DVD collection out this week, I took a look at "Satellite News," only to be reminded that Shout! Factory always seems to announce the episodes for the next collection right around when its latest one comes out. After hoping "maybe next time" twice, I'm pleased to hear we're finally getting to " The Leech Woman," but before that the collection will also include " Moon Zero Two." This got the attention of some people suggesting this just might mean the last two episodes (numerically) from the first season, which were also Warner Brothers movies, might also be released on DVD to make all of those formative outings available. " The Day the Earth Froze" will mean all the "Russo-Finnish" episodes are on DVD with the first of them added, and " Gorgo," a monster movie that just happens to be British instead of Japanese, seems to have surprised people as well. It's always nice to have another collection to look forward to, of course.

This entry was originally posted at http://krpalmer.dreamwidth.org/195147.html. Comment here or there (using OpenID) as you please.


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