Climb (on) the Mountain (Lion)?

Feb 18, 2012 10:54

A part of me does want to upgrade my computer to system(*) 10.7 "Lion," but every time I start thinking "maybe with this revision" someone online starts complaining about how their computer has been exploding on a regular basis since installing it, or just about how some aspects of the interface have changed a bit, and I get scared off again and continue to chug along with system(*) 10.6 "Snow Leopard." Just as I was starting to think "maybe I'll wait a bit longer" again, though, then it was announced that there's going to be a system(*) 10.8 "Mountain Lion," and it did get my attention. News of a new feature of streaming any screen image to an "Apple TV" makes me think "now there's a pretty convenient way to watch downloaded videos on a really big screen," and I don't even have the video box. Too, the different settings for software security seem for the moment to have quelled some fears of "things getting locked down." I suppose now I'm just wondering if it'll be possible to go straight from 10.6 to 10.8...

(*) I do know the official nomenclature is becoming "OS X 10.n," but I suppose when my family started using Macintosh computers, they were running "System 7" (which people complained about slowing down their computers in the day), and a part of me sometimes wants to use not quite the correct term...

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