Something I Love, Something I Hate

Jan 01, 2006 04:30

This should be pretty easy.  My life is filled with both.

Something I Love:

I love many things.  I love puppies, kids (thanks Miral), bright afternoons, twentieth-century motion pictures, and my ship.  I love being independent, and I love being free of worry.  I suppose ending this list is probably the best way to keep it short, so I'll share something I truly love.

I love being a Cyberman.

Don't be surprised.  I'm not saying it's all the time.  Most of the time I have no feelings about it either way.  I find myself hating it sometimes, but only because of what I can't have as a result of the transformation.  On the other hand, there are times in which I really love it, like the time I accidentally pressed the wrong button in the cargo bay and got myself blown into outerspace.  You tend to really appreciate being mostly machine when you're floating around in total vacuum naked.  *mental note... get that stupid button labeled or something*     Ever wanted to know what it's like to be a superhero?  I used to wonder when I was a kid.  I stopped wondering the day the hydraulics on the rear cargo-bay door crapped out and I got to lift the door shut from the ground with one arm.  Damn thing must have weighed four tons.

See, this is why I almost didn't want to write about this.  I sound like I'm bragging, and I apologize.  I'll end this one with a final thought:  Have you ever been caught outside during a really bad storm?  If the answer is yes, have you ever become acutely aware of how safe you suddenly felt once inside?

I feel that way all the time, and it doesn't matter how crappy the storm might be.

Something I Hate:

This one is easy, because the thought only just surfaced yesterday.  I've had a hard time thinking about anything else since then, so listing off what I dislike feels a little pointless right now.   This is going to come across as a little morbid, and I apologize in advance.

It occurred to me (barring injury or accident) I'm probably going to outlive everybody I know.  I hate that very much. 
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