Jan 07, 2004 14:14
my car sucks!! it's broked!! lol that's why i am home missin school. but yeah anywho. im tired and dirty. heheh im dirty lol. so i just really wanna straighten my hair lol...and im dirty hehe. but anyways...i really miss talking to chelsea. it sux that i havent gotten too in so loooong and my weikel!!! even longer since she doesnt love me or post on my live journal or anything. i need to call her. i wish that i was on break again. i just for some reason cannot stand school anymore. i dont know why i just hate it. but i get up everyday and go do it. but i just have to keep telling myself that i only have a couple months left. oh well i guess i dont have much else to right soo ...ttyl...love you all. oh and chels come talk to me BiTcH lol....