Dec 06, 2020 04:53
GUYS OMG GUYS. I always said I didn't want a kid... but here I am now, with baby Kim Jaejoongie. ;______________________________________;
d;lgjs;dlfkhgnsd;gsldgsgkldfjhgls DIES BECAUSE OF THE CUTE.
I-I don't even know how this works really. I just feed him a lot, I think, then when he gains a level he can get a gift? HAHAH HIS FIRST GIFT I CHOSE A HEART. I never knew it was a heart OVER HIS CROTCH, goodness! ♥ T_T IDK BUT HE GROOOWWSS! My baby grooowsss. ♥ HAHA NOW IT'S A YELLOW BOW ON HIS CROTCH I cannot get over this what is this what what.
Seriously. ROFLMAO.
And his pet is an elephant! 8D Okay so I just ttly copied Phoebe's baby. But I can't help it if we both like Jaejoong and like elephants because it is Jaejoong and Yunjae related. ;_;
ETA: This post will now be my very messy first post. xD This is ridiculous, but yes I am keeping him here anyway. :3