May 29, 2004 16:54
Wow, School is out. No more for 6 weeks, and I'll be a junior...god...a junior, I wish life didnt have to go so fast.
For me it really does, it just moves as the waves do, the break the surface, hit the ground, and retract.
Honestly, that says currently my life in a nutshell.
But, work has started, I'm working at West Guth off of Up River Rd, come visit, I'll let you in free...maybe.
Today, however, was inservice and we got recertified in something, lol, I'm not sure what. Then, yesterday, since the vaccum broke, Andrew and me had to manually sweep the crap at the bottom of the pool into the middle and push it towards the deep, towards the filter. That kept us busy for awhile.
Then the day before, I assembled new deep end dividers, so, I'm getting alot out of this jobbeh.
FINALLY! I bought the new Incubus CD, and it owns, I love it to death. *raises fist*
It makes me sad, however, that I probably won't get to see the friends that I associate with at school, but, you know, even if I some how did, they'd prolly talk about drinking or the beach, or someone's party I didn't get invited to. Honestly, I'm kinda glad about that, but work with me here.
Saw Shrek 2 the other day, that indeed was a good time and a funny movie. I lurv. ^_^
Officially, work starts tommorow at 12:30, its Splash Day and everyone gets in free. But, yay, Julie (the manager) is letting me and Dylan off at 5:30ish to goto the Perfect Circle concert. yes...RAWK ON!
Well, I'm gonna put this thing in my survey from Robert's blog.
Top Ten Games Evar:
1. Sonic the Hedgehog preferably 3 and Sonic and Knuckles.
2. Super Mario World
3. Halo
4. DDR...yes, Dance Dance Revolution for you geeks out there
5. The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time
6. The Legend of Zelda: Windwaker
7. Sly Cooper and the Thevius Raccoonus
8. Kingdom Hearts
9: Final Fantasy X
10. Final Fantasy VII
Speaking of gaming and st00f. THEY TOOK TECH TV OFF OF THE AIR...its now gay C-Span...I am so pissed about that. >.<;
But, yush, I'm go play a little James Bond: Everything or Nothing. That game is pretteh good, not really digging the 3rd person view. But oh well.
Fo'shizzle Bizzles.