Join me in the Special Hell - Fic Recs

Jul 14, 2015 12:45

I finally decided to put together a fic recs list. It's very slow going. I have more than a decade of reading accumulated in various folders and favorites so I'm adding as I read and reread. So far it's mostly SPN as that is my current obsession (though I haven't gotten anywhere near finished with it yet), but when I get the chance I'll start putting in the rest of the many, many fandoms.

I don't actually have any squicks anymore so I generally totally forget that certain things offend other people. This has gotten me into trouble before with some of my own stories (AKA What is Your Pleasure, Sir?). I mean, who doesn't like a good incest/non-con/torture/misuse of household objects story? Thus, I haven't even bothered to try and put warnings on these. only gives so many characters and it's hard enough getting the descriptions to fit. I advise paying attention to the warnings at the top of the actual stories very carefully.

Thus, here we are: Carole's Fic Rec Page of Doom


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