Fic: Mini Avengers Ch. 1: The Transformation; Gen

May 18, 2012 21:54

Title: Mini Avengers; Chapter 1: The Transformation
Author: Charlie
Fandom: The Avengers: Movie!Verse
Characters: The Avengers and Loki as Children and Agent Coulson as their Super Nanny
Rating: General Audiences
Genre: Drama - De-Aged Avengers (and Loki)
Word Count: 2891
Beta: None
Warnings: Non descriptive mentions of past child abuse.

Summary: During Loki’s latest attempt to take over the world, one of his alien buddies gets the brilliant idea to turn the Avengers into children, and Loki too for good measure, right before said alien buddy dies. Now, no one is sure how to turn them back and poor Agent Coulson is stuck taking care of them until they find a cure and he’s just not comfortable tazing children and watching Super Nanny while they drool on the carpet.

Disclaimer: I own nothing contained inside this forthcoming story except the plot. The characters are borrowed from Marvel without permission and I am making no monetary gain from this story. This is a work of fiction written for my own enjoyment and shared on the off chance that someone else might enjoy it a little too.

A/N: I was supposed to be working on stories for my porn prompt table, and yet somehow ended up writing a story that contained no pairing or sex at all.  This idea hit me at about 2am this morning and slowly developed itself while I was trying to sleep. This particular section wrote itself pretty much whole sale while I was in the shower so I was really left with no other choice than to write it down. I know this theme has been done in this fandom and a great deal many others numerous times already so I hope my take doesn’t come off as old hat and boring. If all goes well I have ideas of turning this into a series but that really depends on how well this first section is received. Please Enjoy and comment if you’d be so kind so I know if this is something worth continuing or if I should give it up and go back to my porn table. - Charlie : )

    It all happened in the blink of an eye. They were in Central Park fighting off Loki’s latest attempt to turn the world into his own subservient plaything. He’d brought along some creepy looking alien friends that were bigger and far more powerful than the last group he’d shown up with and yet the Avengers, with a minor assist from the rest of SHIELD, had managed to contain the creepy looking alien things and were well on their way to victory when it happened.

An ear popping blast of intense bright light that somehow managed to manifest itself physically enough to knock Agent Coulson and the rest of his team down to the ground. Agent Coulson sat up only a bit dazed. The light was gone and there was silence in his ear piece.

He was on his feet running towards the last known coordinates of the Avengers team, the center of the park, yelling in his com for status confirmation and getting no response. Not even JARVIS was answering him, which meant that something must have happened to Tony’s Iron Man suit as well.

Agent Coulson ran faster and it was only because of his intense training that he noticed that all of those creepy looking alien things seemed to be dead or disabled. When he finally made it to the center of the park he was intensely relieved to find his Avengers team, and Loki,  laying on the ground, unconscious but seemingly alive and unharmed. Well... except for the fact that they all looked like they were no more than 10 years old.

Maria Hill made it to the group a few steps behind Agent Coulson. While she secured the rest of the Avengers team, and Loki, Agent Coulson took off running again, this time to the top of the building by the park that Hawkeye had been using as his sniper tower. He found the unconscious archer at the top of the building in the same state as the rest of the team, except that while the rest looked about 10, Hawkeye couldn’t have been bigger than preschooler. Agent Coulson picked up the tiny archer and carried him down to where the rest of the Avengers team was being loaded into a van for transport back to SHIELD HQ.

The rest of the SHIELD agents were content to leave Loki behind seeing as it was his creepy looking alien friend that had done this to him, but neither Maria nor Agent Coulson had that heart to leave what by appearances standards was a mere child laying helpless and alone in the streets of New York. With the Avengers, and Loki, loaded up they headed back to HQ to get them all checked out by Medical.


After every test that could possibly be run was ran, it was decided that the group of superheros, and one supervillian, were in fact turned into children but no one seemed to know how or for how long nor if there was any way to reverse it. The good news was that other than some bumps and bruises, and the whole being children situation, they were all otherwise perfectly healthy.

Unfortunately, the creepy looking alien who had used the magic De-Aging light, had been fatally wounded by the Avengers prior to the magic light thing and apparently sensing his emanate death had decided to go out with a bang. That he was no longer a threat was good of course, but that any knowledge of what he did and how to fix it died with him, was also very bad.

While everyone capable went to work in search of a cure for the De-Aging, the only thing left for Agent Coulson to do was wait for the Avengers, and Loki, to wake up.

    Thor was the first to wake up, midway through the second day after they’d all been turned into children. The Norse God looked to be about 10 years of age and while he was far stronger than a normal 10 year old, it only took two larger SHIELD agents to hold him down when he began to freak out upon waking up.

Agent Coulson had been told by the Psych team that it was possible the Avengers, and Loki, had been reverted back to their childhood mindsets and that they wouldn’t remember any of their adult lives. If that were the case, Agent Coulson had been told it would be best to not try and overwhelm the children with too much information at once.

“Thor?” Agent Coulson stood at the end of Thor’s bed, hands up to show he wasn’t a threat. Thor shifted his attention from fighting off the two agents trying to restrain him and looked to Agent Coulson, almost as if he had recognized the voice, but the confusion in his eyes told the older man that Psych’s theory had been correct.

“Thor, you are in a hospital in New York.” Agent Coulson spoke slowly, reciting the information he was instructed to provide to the kids should they not remember who he was.

“New York?” Thor repeated confused but stopped struggling with the other Agents. Agent Coulson nodded at them to let him go and step back.

“You are on the planet we call Earth, but I believe you call it Midgard where you come from.”

“How has this come to be?” Thor demanded looking as though he was about to panic.

“There was an accident, the doctors worried that you might not remember very much. I know it is hard but I need you to try and stay calm while the medical staff here figures this all out. Can you do that for me?” Agent Coulson recited the pre prepared speech in the most calming voice he could. It seemed to work as Thor nodded but a moment latter seemed to have another flair of panic.

“My Brother?” Thor asked.

“Yes, he is here. He’s in the same condition you are, but he has not woken up yet.” Agent Coulson told him.

“He will be frightened if he awakens away from me.”

“Ok,” Agent Coulson nodded. “I will have his bed brought in here next to you. Do you need anything else? Are you hungry or thirsty perhaps?”

Thor shook his head no. “If I were to require you at a later time, by what shall I call you?” Thor inquired.

Agent Coulson couldn’t help but smile a little. “My name is Phil Coulson. I’ll go have your brother brought to you.”

“Thank you, Son of Coul.”

Agent Coulson nodded, his smile growing at the familiar moniker, before he headed out of Thor’s room.

    Loki woke up around 2 hours after Thor had. The other Norse God looked to be about 7 years old. No one was entirely sure how old Thor and Loki had been the day before yesterday when they were still adults, nor were they sure how much of an age gap existed between them. If there was a discrepancy between their size difference now and the one that existed when they were children, neither boy commented on it.

Thor was the one to explain to Loki what had been earlier explained to him about their current situation. The smaller God didn’t comment much about it, just slipped from his bed and made his way into his brother’s, curling up at Thor’s side. Loki looked so scared and fragile that Agent Coulson knew he had done the right thing bringing him along despite the tongue lashing he’d received about it from Director Fury the day before.

“He is only a child, sir” Agent Coulson stood his ground despite the way the veins in his superior’s neck were popping in anger.

“And when whatever this is that turned him into a child wears off and he’s a homicidal adult again?” Nick Fury asked smug and annoyed.

“At that time, sir, I will go back to treating him as such. Until then he is only a child, sir.”

Nick Fury’s anger seemed to dissipate slightly at that.. “While he is only a child, he is fully your responsibility to take care of, as are the Avengers team.”

“Understood sir.”

    The rest of the Avengers team didn’t wake up until the next day. Steve looked about the same age as Thor, Natasha about the same as Loki with Bruce and Tony falling in the middle at about 8 or 9.

It was decided that the age differences were a result of their adult version’s body mass. Steve and Thor were the biggest, thus looked the oldest now, while Natasha and Loki were the smallest. The only explanation for Bruce’s size was that he must have shifted back to himself from  the Hulk before the transformation was complete. It was also decided that the reason Clint was so much smaller than the rest of them was because he was on top of the building rather than on the ground with the rest of them and thus he must have been exposed to more of the light magic than the others.

As each woke Agent Coulson had to give them the same speech about where they were. They all took it fairly well considering. The boys asked about their families of course - Natasha had no family to ask about - and it broke Agent Coulson’s heart to have to lie to them and tell them he did not know where they were but that there were people working hard to try and find out any information about them they could.

    Clint was the last to wake up that night. He looked about 3 and that meant that trying to explain anything to him was probably going to be all but impossible. Agent Coulson tried anyway, walking into the tiny archer’s room just after he snapped awake. Clint never said a word but pushed himself back against the head of his bed, his little arms curling around himself protectively, and looked absolutely horrified.

“Clint, it’s ok, no one is going to hurt you.” Agent Coulson talked slowly. “You’re in a doctor’s office. You hit your head so you may have trouble remembering for a little while, but you’re safe and no one is going to hurt you.” Agent Coulson repeated because he was pretty sure he knew why there was such a panic in Clint’s eyes.

As his handler, it was Agent Coulson’s job to know all the details of Clint’s past. The things that had happened to Clint as a child were far from pleasant and if the little boy before him now thought he was back in that situation, he would need all the reassurances he could get that no one was going to hurt him.

Agent Coulson’s calm tone seemed to work and Clint relaxed just the tinniest bit. He still didn’t say a word, just shook his head no when Agent Coulson asked him if he needed anything to eat or drink. The Agent stepped forward, noting the way Clint flinched back, and pointed to the call button on the side of Clint’s bed.

“If you need anything, you just have to press this button and I’ll come back. Ok?”

Clint looked at the button and nodded that he understood. Agent Coulson smiled at him affectionately before leaving his room.

    After dinner that night, the children - except Clint who was deemed to little to understand and who really didn’t seem like he wanted anyone coming near him anyway - were gathered in one of the larger waiting rooms in the Medical wing.

Agent Coulson finally explained to them that they were part of an organization for people with special abilities that was tasked with helping to keep the world safe. Of course he left out the parts about how 3 days ago they were all adults and Loki had been trying to kill them. Psych was convinced that information would be too much for their fragile minds to cope with at this time.

Thor and Loki knew they were Gods, and unfortunately even at 7 Natasha knew how to kill a room full of men with her bare hands. Thus, the three of them didn’t seem phased by the idea of being in such an organization and if the two smaller children were confused about the part where they were supposedly doing good with their abilities, they hid it well.

Tony was excited about the prospect. He had already found the glowing piece of metal in the middle of his chest - and thank God that shrunk with him - and was rapidly questioning Agent Coulson about what kind of cool super hero things he could do.

Bruce knew he had always been smarter than the other children, but didn’t really seem to believe that had any practical applications to helping keep the world safe. Steve, despite being one of the biggest in the room, still had the mentality of that weak little boy who spent almost every day getting beat up by bullies at school and had no idea what was supposedly so special about him that he could help safeguard the world.

Agent Coulson explained all of their abilities as best he could without giving away too much information and also tried to explain away why they were in a building with technologies that didn’t actually exist when most of them were actually children. The good thing about children is that they had pretty active imaginations and were prone to being more open to believing even the tallest of tales without too much suspicion.

After all the ‘can I fly?’ and ‘do I have X-ray vision’ questions were finally answered, someone on the Medical staff decided that after 3 days of the children having been there, bath time was long overdue. It goes well enough for the older kids but Clint, who still hasn’t said a single word, screams, fights, kicks and bites the medical staff who try and take his clothes off to put him in the bathtub until they give up and take him back to his room. Clint hides under his bed all night, despite Agent Coulson’s best attempts to coax him out, and he only sleeps when his little body finally gives out from exhaustion.

    The Medical floor is no place for healthy children, mostly because it lacks any kid friendly activities and healthy, bored children tend to drive all the adults around them insane. Especially when two of those children are Gods - and they don’t call him the God of Mischief for no reason- ,another turns into a green rage monster - albeit not as big as the one he turned into as an adult-  when people upset him, yet another is practically a ninja who has a knack for sneaking into places she shouldn’t be, the smallest one won’t talk but screams whenever anyone tries to come near him and the last is a spoiled genius who even at the tender age of 9 never met a computer he couldn’t hack.

The Medical floor is no place for healthy, bored children so on the fifth day after they were turned into children they are thrown out of Medical and relocated to an unused section of SHIELD HQ that is converted into a children’s area. Though all that really means is there is one bedroom full of bunks, a rec room with some old couches and a TV and a gym with some bats and balls.

The gym manages to satisfy them - except Clint who does nothing more than sit in the corner, silently sucking his thumb and just watching -  for a while since it’s a large open room for them to run around in and they’d previously been cooped up in Medical for the better part of a week. By the next afternoon though they’re bored again and Agent Coulson knows that even though this could wear off tomorrow, he’s going to have to prepare for the possibility that it doesn’t.

    It takes a lot of convincing, but he finally gets Fury to agree to let the kids move back into the Avenger’s Mansion, under Agent Coulson’s supervision and with the strict understanding that if anything happens to them, or they wreak any havoc, the blame will land entirely upon Agent Coulsn’s shoulders.

Agent Coulson calls Pepper, who enlists the help of Jane, Darcy, Betty and even Maria and the girls spend the day at the stores buying everything necessary to child proof the Avenger’s Mansion. They buy toys, clothes, electric outlet covers, child proof cabinet and door locks, a booster seat and stool for Clint so he can reach the table and the sink in his bathroom and they even go grocery shopping so the house had more to eat than booze and left over take out. They furnish the house with everything someone would need to raise a house full of children and a week after they were turned into children, The Avengers, Agent Coulson and Loki move into the newly kid friendly Avenger’s Mansion.

Chapter 2

avengers ensemble

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