Title: Sabotage
Fandom: Patriots
Pairing: Stephen Gostkowski/Wes Welker and implied Tom Brady/Julian Edelman
Rating: PG-13 for some language
Summary: Stephen’s a fucking awesome boyfriend.... Tom’s not so bad either.
Disclaimer: Lies and Fabrications
Stephen came downstairs after his shower and found Wes sitting on the couch watching highlights of their game that afternoon. The kicker sat on the floor between his boyfriends legs, careful not to disturb his injured knee, and Wes instinctively began to massage Stephen’s shoulders.
“I’m sorry about your kick today babe.”
“Yeah well who wants to go to California to see Nate fucking Kaeding when they could be here fucking you instead.”
Wes rolled his eyes at the detest clearly evident in Stephen’s voice at the mention of the latest AFC pro bowl kicker and it took a moment before Stephen’s words actually sank in.
“You missed that kick on purpose didn’t you?”
Wes felt Stephen’s shoulders rise as he shrugged.
“What? It’s not like it matters anyway, we still would have lost.”
“I guess but I mean... what about your stats?”
It was Stephen’s turn to role his eyes.
“Yeah because when I was in California being blue balled, at least I could have gotten off to my completion rating.”
Wes chose to ignore the vulgarity of Stephen’s comment and take it for what it meant instead.
“You said so yourself though, we would have lost anyway so... why?”
“Like I was about to let Tom take all the glory.”
“What glory would that be?”
“Willingly facing the horrific wrath of Bill Belichick for the sake of grand, heroic gestures of love.”
Wes thought it over a few minutes before responding.
“I don’t believe you. There is no way Tom would have thrown a game for me.”
“He threw 3 interceptions”
“And 2 touchdowns.”
“To Julian.”
There was a tone to Stephen’s voice that told Wes that response should have been obvious, only it wasn’t.
“What is that supposed to mean?”
“Tom loves you, but he’d also like to get laid tonight.”
Wes had to admit, it made sense. It was a 44 yard attempt and Stephen could make those sleepwalking if he tried and Tom was talented enough to ensure a loss while still throwing enough touchdowns to the rookie wide receiver to ensure his sex drive remained intact. Even still he couldn’t actually believe that the two of them would actually do that because of him.
“I still don’t believe you.”
Stephen turned around in a huff.
“What that I love you enough to put you ahead of my career?”
“No that’s.... I didn’t mean.... ummm.... Thank you.”
“You’re welcome.”
Stephen turned back around and Wes just stared at the back of his head perplexed. He couldn’t decided if he was grateful that Stephen cared about him that much, or pissed off that him and Tom would do such a stupid fucking thing. In front of him Stephen cleared his throat, shaking Wes out of his thoughts.
“Oh, sorry.”
And Wes went back to massaging his boyfriend’s shoulders still just the slightest bit skeptical and deciding he’d have to grill Tom about it... later.