Kissel Ambrosia
Family, 5/2/4/7/7, LTW: become Captain Hero
Kissel is a quiet, kind girl fresh out of high school. A naure-loving romantic, she's left the big city in favor of Riverblossom Hills; she has always dreamed of her own little farm, and maybe even a small bakery...
The house isn't too fancy, but it's spacious, and - more importantly - has a big garden. For Kissel, who's always dreamt of her own vegetable patch, it's particularly important.
Poor girl isn't feeling very confident. As lovely as Riverblossom Hills seems, it's so far away from home, and what if she's not welcomed by the community? In such small towns, making a bad impression on one person might mean getting a bad rep all around...
Cods before woes.
Not one to waste time, Kissel spent the hour before the scheduled welcome wagon brushing up on her recipes. And then, it was time to meet her neighbors, and, hopefully, a husband.
Leod, this is improper. Sit like a lady.
Kissel concentrated mostly on Mr. Dashing here, even though there's a wedding ring on his hand, plain as day. Sure, she's being all friendly, but I see those two bolts, kid. I've got my eye on you!
(extra big image because look at that face)
Not even her sexiest underwear could catch mr Greenman's eye, so Kissel graciously admitted defeat.
Your face has much to improve. >:(
Having met some of the locals and succesfully infiltrated their ranks by joining the town's cult Garden Club, making herself one of their own, Kissel concentrated on every Family sim's goal: finding a partner.
She has two bolts with Dominic here, but I'm reluctant to start anything with him (and I've been holding out for a three-bolter, anyway...). I married him in during my latest, short-lived attempt at a legacy, and he was a bit of an asshole. Your good looks won't help you this time, mr Sorola.
"If you don't mind me saying, you're super, super hot."
"Girl, I know."
"What cologne do you use? You smell like... like..."
"Pure sex. So I've been told. Want to touch my face? Most people want to."
"Don't mind if I do!"
(she stayed there for an hour or two, congratulating him on his hotness over and over again without breaks, and he just stood there, smiling and nodding knowingly.)
Two bolts and lack of interest in conversation. Sam's out.
"Dahling, if I told you wheah I work, I'd have to kill you."
Pros: sexy eyepatch and accent. Cons: two bolts, possible mafia ties. Dean's out.
Kissel tried to cheer herself up by skating, but all she got was a sore butt.
Let's see it again in s l o w m o t i o n d o u b l e f e a t u r e . . .
The last of her scholarship money has gone away, so Kissel found herself a job as a security guard. Her LTW is to be Captain Hero. So why did you settle in a farming community? Have you ever heard of a country-based sueprhero? Watch out, cow-tipping scum, here comes Crop Girl!
Whatever, let's just pay the bills.
And, around a week after moving in, she's met him. A sunny-eyed, black-haired stranger who laughs at her jokes and loves kittens. Sure, they only had two bolts, but the chemistry still was the highest she's had so far, and can a girl seven days into adulthood be picky? Besides, that smile was so bright she could just die.
"Uh, miss? Are you alright?"
"You don't look alright."
"Do you need to lie down? Right here? Is that what people do when they have a cold?"
I didn't mean the "die" part literally, you idiot!
"Alright, miss... Ambrosia, is it? It's very polite of you not to have any relatives or friends around, I appreciate it, I really do. Now, let's get this over with, I've got to stop by Desiderata Valley in three minutes, that artist is going to try and get drunk on turpentine. Again. I hate her almost much as I hate the para-medics. *grumble grumble*"
"Um, mister Grim, sir?"
"Oh God, please go away."
"Look, son, I'm sad for your loss and all that, but I need to fill my quota. I'm not giving another one up to someone who met her twenty minutes ago. Have a nice day. Oh, and just between us, always wear a scarf in winter. Trust me on this one."
Yes! I've managed to lose my founder a week into the legacy! Where do I get my prize? I've had this "real sickness" mod for months, but this is when it starts working?
I've decided that, unless there's only one sim living on the lot at the time, I'm not allowed to save them. It will make finishing the legacy more challenging, and will add some drama.
But for now, let's rewind a day or two...
The second she saw that man walking down the street, she couldn't help but feel they've met before.
"OMG ME TOO!" *plus*
Hm... Why not? She'd get to earn a bit more, and to see Samuel ever day. I was never fond of her LTW anyway.
Kissel invited Samuel for dinner, ended up extending the invitation to breakfast.
I just had sex
and I'll never go back
(never go back)
to the not-having-sex ways of the past
Don't mind the stink cloud, he's a libra.
The next visit started with autonomous serenading, and I've decided that yes, these genetics belong in my legacy.
Still a bit to early to move them in, though.
Here's my Film & Literature hobby leader. Sure, why not.
Winter finally ended, and Kissel could plant some tomatoes. There's only one chance per year to plant vegetables in this hood, really, which will make the legacy a bit harder. I like it, though; I don't want my sims to be wiping their asses with money by the end of generation one. I'll come up with some more restrictions (for example, having to pay for college and so on).
Yes the time has come
Sorry for the walls-down picture, I wanted to just crop out the info ballon, but got lazy. I'm glad he didn't bring in an unrealistic amount of moolah.
Sam is a Knowledge sim who wans to max out 7 skills, a libra, and... wait a sec, I thought you were a teacher! Are you working undercover? What? How? You really don't look like a secret agent-- well, I guess that's an entry requirement...
Also, readers of my BaCC might find his face somehow familiar. He was created by mixing the genetics of two sims that won't have a kid, just to see how well they blend. He's got his dad's smile!
Respective cooking skill levels: high and medium.
Recipe difficulty: beginner.
Time between fires: 1 hour.
Verdict: soulmates.
And so ends the first update of Ambrosia legacy. Thanks for reading!